Private wireless IT/OT integration
Integrate your private wireless network seamlessly with your IT environment
Nokia DAC is designed with seamless IT integration in mind. Your private wireless network forms a vital part of your IT/OT environment through IP network integration, operation support system (OSS), single sign on (SSO) and operational technology (OT) integration. Request our professional services for more complex systems integration tasks.
Nokia DAC in enterprise IT and OT
Integrating a private mobile network with an enterprise IP network is done through regular IP network planning and integration, including allocating IP subnets to mobile devices and potentially additional IP subnets connected to mobile routers. MX Industrial Edge nodes can be integrated with an enterprise IP network using common routing protocols. Easy multisite replication enables you to scale according to your changing needs.
The purdue reference model for industrial automation systems is a widely used framework that provides a structured approach to the design and analysis of industrial automation systems. Nokia DAC is integrated into the reference architecture to provide an edge compute platform and wireless connectivity to all the applications located in IT or OT environments.
Integrate Nokia DAC with your existing network management system via the Nokia DAC OSS API, OSS mediator and mediator plug ins. Process 3GPP radio access point, core network alarms and performance metrics with your network management system. Additionally, leverage vast amount of 3GPP KPIs and performance parameters through the Network Operation Dashboard, an open source cloud based visualisation platform to increase your operational efficiency.
Administrators can apply their IT credentials to access Nokia DAC manager via single sign on (SSO). We provide two options for user identity and access management - Azure AD is natively supported while other existing IAM systems like Keycloak or Google can also be integrated leveraging Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) protocol.
Leverage the full potential of private wireless connectivity, applications and devices with our help. Use Nokia professional services to integrate your private wireless network with your IT/OT environment.
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