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Digitalization for the chemical and plastics industry

Make people, technology and processes work as one

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Increase productivity and worker safety in your plant while being sustainable


Challenges for the Chemical Industry

Chemical manufacturing companies around the world are looking for ways to increase productivity and worker safety while making their operations more sustainable. Digitalization and Industry 4.0 technologies can help them achieve these ambitions by enabling them to gain better control of their assets, generate meaningful insights from data and support 24/7 operations.

Many manufacturers are taking the first steps towards chemical Industry 4.0 by ramping up their deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. ABI Research predicts that by 2030, manufacturing and industrial firms will have deployed more than 49 million 5G-connected IoT devices inside their facilities. In the chemical industries, 5G connections are forecasted to reach 4.8 million in 2030.*


Industry 4.0: helping to achieve successful chemical industry automation

But deploying connected devices is just part of the digital transformation strategy for the chemical manufacturing sector. The key to realizing the promise of Industry 4.0 and successful chemical industry automation is to combine new applications and devices with pervasive, reliable enterprise wireless connectivity and industrial edge computing. This combination of capabilities can make it easy for people, processes, sensors, robots and legacy machines to work as one to achieve better business outcomes.

* ABI Research: Digital Factory Forecast, 2022

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Opportunities for Industry 4.0 in the chemical industry

Industry 4.0 will enable many exciting use cases for chemical manufacturing companies, from asset tracking and condition monitoring to predictive maintenance and rich group communications. These use cases promise to help your company drive operational excellence, enhance sustainability and compliance, improve asset tracking and quality assurance, increase workforce safety and productivity.

How One platform for Industrial Digitalization can help chemical manufacturing

  • Connect your end-to-end production processes to gather data, and
  • Provide monitoring and optimization for more efficiency, reliability and security
  • Support industrial edge computing applications while protecting your data
  • Transform data into operational insight and support autonomous actions
  • Ease your digital transformation and avoid disrupting your operations

This platform must be easy to set up and integrate with your legacy networks and operational technology (OT). It must also work seamlessly with the Wi-Fi networks you rely on for basic IT connectivity, typically in indoor areas, and offices.

Benchmark your digital transformation maturity and readiness

Transform chemical manufacturing with connectivity that enables devices, people and machines to work together as one

Nokia can help you unleash the value of chemical Industry 4.0 at your manufacturing facilities with One platform for industrial digitalization to drive your enterprise digital strategy, which includes industrial-grade connectivity, edge computing, devices, and applications. This unified platform enables people and machines to work together in a safe, efficient, and sustainable way.

Industrial grade connectivity

New applications for increasing efficiency demand robust wireless connectivity that is beyond the capabilities of Wi-Fi. You need solutions that can connect and cover indoor and outdoor areas by extending ubiquitous wireless connectivity across your plant. Our private 4.9G/LTE and 5G industrial solutions deliver pervasive, flexible mission-critical connectivity. Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) lets you complement private wireless with Wi-Fi 6/6E to meet the connectivity as well.

base station

Mission-critical industrial edge and applications

Industrial devices

Elevate your chemical manufacturing with our ruggedized or EX-protected 5G devices

Enhance safety, streamline operations, and achieve real-time insights. Tailored to the unique challenges of chemical environments

One platform to make digital transformation simple for the chemical industry

To succeed with digital transformation, you need the ability to capture and act on data, often in near-real time. Data from IIoT sensors must be processed by industrial edge computing systems that can use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to model and analyze it. One platform provides actionable intelligence, empowering you to optimize processes, enhance product quality, and improve overall operational performance. 

We can help you address these challenges by providing you with one platform that simplifies and accelerates the chemical Industry 4.0 transformation.

4 components of One platform for industrial digitalization in the chemical industry

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