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Nokia High Accuracy Indoor Positioning (HAIP)
Short descriptionReal-time indoor location services solution
Locate assets in real-time, improve the utilization rate of shared assets, enable automated real-time inventory and even location-based billing for shared assets with this indoor location services solution. Location data is computed locally, which means that it stays securely within the premises. Offered as a service, Nokia High Accuracy Indoor Positioning runs on the Nokia MX Industrial Edge (MXIE), the first OT-centric edge solution to enable on-premises Industry 4.0 digitalization applications, workloads and analytics.
ManufacturerManufacturerImageNokia High Accuracy Indoor Positioning (HAIP)
Short descriptionReal-time indoor location services solution
Locate assets in real-time, improve the utilization rate of shared assets, enable automated real-time inventory and even location-based billing for shared assets with this indoor location services solution. Location data is computed locally, which means that it stays securely within the premises. Offered as a service, Nokia High Accuracy Indoor Positioning runs on the Nokia MX Industrial Edge (MXIE), the first OT-centric edge solution to enable on-premises Industry 4.0 digitalization applications, workloads and analytics.
IS540.1 - EX-protected
Short descriptionIn hazardous environments, such as at chemical plants or in the oil & gas industry, it is crucial to connect workers using purpose-built and certified devices. These must be classified according to ATEX, IECEX, NEC500 or local specifications, EX in short.
IS540.1 by i.safe MOBILE is certified for ATEX Zone 1/21, JNIOSH Zone 1/21, NEC500 C1D1. This model can be safely used in hazardous areas (ATEX Zone 1) or further away (ATEX Zone 2) where flammable atmosphere is not likely but could occur for a short time.
ManufacturerManufacturerImage -
IS540.2 - EX-protected
Short descriptionIn hazardous environments, such as at chemical plants or in the oil & gas industry, it is crucial to connect workers using purpose-built and certified devices. These must be classified according to ATEX, IECEX, NEC500 or local specifications, EX in short.
IS540.2 by i.safe MOBILE is certified for ATEX zone 2/22 and NEC500 C1D2, and can be used further away from hazardous areas (ATEX Zone 2), where flammable atmosphere is not likely but could occur for a short time.
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