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Short descriptionHigh precision outdoor positioning
Track machinery and people in outdoor environments, using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), with high accuracy as a standalone solution, or complementing other indoor positioning technologies for mixed environments. HD GNSS combines Precise Point Positioning and Real Time Kinematic positioning methods, allowing for fast convergence time, high availability, and global coverage. Supports off the shelf mobile devices and IoT trackers, equipped with dual frequency chipsets.
ManufacturerManufacturerImageHERE HD GNSS
Short descriptionHigh precision outdoor positioning
Track machinery and people in outdoor environments, using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), with high accuracy as a standalone solution, or complementing other indoor positioning technologies for mixed environments. HD GNSS combines Precise Point Positioning and Real Time Kinematic positioning methods, allowing for fast convergence time, high availability, and global coverage. Supports off the shelf mobile devices and IoT trackers, equipped with dual frequency chipsets.
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