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Short descriptionIIoT asset discovery and vulnerability scanning
Redinent discovers IIoT assets via active scanning and helps create inventory. Probe response from IIoT devices is correlated with extensive IIoT specific vulnerability and threat intelligence data discovering vulnerabilities and ongoing threats. It generates alerts towards the SOC and reports about the findings.
Short descriptionIIoT asset discovery and vulnerability scanning
Redinent discovers IIoT assets via active scanning and helps create inventory. Probe response from IIoT devices is correlated with extensive IIoT specific vulnerability and threat intelligence data discovering vulnerabilities and ongoing threats. It generates alerts towards the SOC and reports about the findings.
Smart Mobile Labs Edge Video Orchestration
Short descriptionFast edge video orchestration from many to many sources
Stream video, audio and data with hyper low latency from multiple sources to multiple destinations in real-time. Direct your content where you need it without delay, enabling better decision making to improve safety, productivity, customer experience and efficiency.
ManufacturerManufacturerImageSmart Mobile Labs Edge Video Orchestration
Short descriptionFast edge video orchestration from many to many sources
Stream video, audio and data with hyper low latency from multiple sources to multiple destinations in real-time. Direct your content where you need it without delay, enabling better decision making to improve safety, productivity, customer experience and efficiency.
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